First rolls (Pack 122 to Pack 125)
I was getting a little bored so I thought, "OK, I've been doing flips and rolls consistently on the simulator for months now and I have the stick motions down; Let's do it".
Did my first flip and it was ugly, but it was a roll. Didn't lose much altitude and the tail seemed to swing out more than I anticipated . Did another roll just to be sure I could do it. I think I'm moving the rudder unconsciously. More simulator work to practice.
The photo here is my "poor man's battery bunker" It's basically two cinder blocks placed next to each other and against a caping tile. It's got a much larger overall volume than the standard Battery Bunker so I think the gas venting will be fine. I put the charging batteries as far back as they will fit. I'll charge two batteries per "bay". I know that if one battery goes up, the other one in the bay will be burnt as well but my thought is hey, I'm not worried about the batteries, I'm worried about the garage. I know that charging outside away from everything is still the safest way to charge LiPos but I think this bunker is a good compromise for charging indoors.